Faculty Page

***Teachers whose names appear in black, have given permission to share their email address. For names at appear in white, please contact the school at 215-400-3300.***

* This part of the website is under construction. The English, Math, Science, and Social Studies Departments are complete.

  • The four Departments to appear on the page are: English, Math, Science and Social Studies.
  • Continue to scroll for: Special Education, Autistic Support, Deaf and Hard of Hearing, ELL, World Language, CTE, Physical Education, Arts/Music, and Computer Science.
    **We are updating as quickly as we can.

English Department

Math Department

Science Department

Social Studies Department

Special Education

Autistic Support

Deaf and Hard of Hearing


World Language


Physical Education

Art and Music

Computer Science

Computer Science Lead Teacher

Robert Lendzinski (rclendzinski@philasd.org)

Computer Science Teachers

Gina Griffith (ggriffith@philasd.org)