Welcome to Lincoln High School
Home of the Railsplitters!

Join us at a Parent & Family University Kickoff Tour session near you! Find an event and register HERE
You have two options to pay for Senior dues this year. Option one includes the price with a Prom ticket. Option two includes a price without a Prom ticket.
Option 1: Dues with the prom $125: https://philasd.schoolcashonline.com/Fee/Details/5898/311/False/True
Option 2: Dues excluding the prom $100: https://philasd.schoolcashonline.com/Fee/Details/6106/311/False/True
Seniors, if you are interested in purchasing a hoodie, please fill out this form.
Welcome to Lincoln High School
Home of the Railsplitters!
Greetings Lincoln High School Students & Families, we are excited about welcoming you back into the school in 21 days! To prepare we are planning many events and activities to prepare you for the new school year. Check out the links below for updates and opportunities!